Friday, 19 December 2008

new action

This action makes a beautiful bow in your choice of materials

tested in CS2,CS3 & Cs4

commercial use ok

available in store today

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

cu bows freebie

These bows have been made using my latest actions available in store now
as a little taster I have made this little element pack for you to use they are for commercial use
download here

New Action

This action makes a beautiful bow in your choice of materials.
Tested in CS2,CS3 & CS4
commercial use ok
available in store today

Saturday, 13 December 2008


This action makes the beautiful bow above in your choice of materials
tested in CS2,CS3 & CS4
commercial use ok

available in store today


Makes a beautiful bow in your choice of materials
Tested in CS2,CS3 & CS4
Commercial use ok
available in store today

Friday, 12 December 2008

New Tutorial

Cakes made this gorgeous tag using my little bit gothic kit and she was kind enough to write a tutorial for those of you that would like to try yourself you can find it here

Monday, 8 December 2008

New Script Pretty flower 3

This Script Makes a highly detailed beautiful flower In your choice of colours,gradients or papers.The finished flower is 2000x2000 300 dpi perfect for printing or the web.Also included in the zip file is the texture I used for the flower center or a completed center piece both of these are optional and of course you can use your own texture,paper,colour instead.
**** Due to the high detail this script may take a little longer than other scripts or actions you have but I do think the finished product is worth that little extra wait****
Put in Scripts-Restricted folderRun scripts in Silent mode Have an active foreground and background colordo not browse away from the window while a script is runningPlease be sure to read the instuctions for each script
carefully for extra insructions pertaining to individual script
Commercial use
All my scripts are Rigoursly tested in PSP Versions 9-12 If
you try to run them in any other versions I can not guarantee
they will work.
If there is a problem, it is most likely on the user end. Pleaseread the instructions that came in the zip Make sure you are
doing everything you should be and that you have installed
all required componants
Anything you need will be listed in the instructions, and any
extras you need will be in the zip fileNo refunds will be given however I am always willing to try to help fix a problem when one arises you can contact me at

available in store today

Cu Feather Fans

This package contains 5 beautiful feather fans (3 half open)(2 three quarter open) not all shown in preview.They are for commercial use Please see tou.They are highly detailed and beautiful the resized preview does not show them in their true beauty.They are approx 2000x1500 300 dpi
available in store today

Sunday, 7 December 2008

New Award

Wooo Hoo lookie at my award Artist of the month no less :P Thankyou Robyn at The emporium:)
I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank my public Lmao j/k
But thank you to everyone that takes an interest in my work

Saturday, 6 December 2008


I have received another wonderful award. This one is called "Addicted To Your Blog Award" and we received this award from I am very grateful to be given this beautiful award. I choose the 5 beautiful blogs below to pass the award to

Thursday, 4 December 2008


you can download my part of the blog train here

Stop by all these other blogs to finish stuffing your stocking!! Remeber, we're all over the world so, if someone doesn't have their bit up yet, keep checking back!

88 Designs By M

Barking Penguin Scraps
Butterfly Kisses Scraps
Cathy Joe Designs
Cuddz Reflections
Donna's Scrappin Designz
DSM Designz
Jamie's Creations & Scraps
Kenna's Designs
Scraps by Roo
Tickled Pink DigiScrap
Rachelz Expressionz

Tuesday, 2 December 2008


Sarah made this Tag using my Little bit gothic kit and she even wrote a tutorial for you guys to try it yourselves You can find the tutorial here

Monday, 1 December 2008

New Flower Script (pretty flower 2)

This is the second in my pretty flower series of psp scripts . This makes a 1500x1500 300 dpi
flower in your choice of colours,gradients or papers. it works in versions psp 9 and above
available in store today

New Cu Freebie

Download here
Here is my new freebie a beautiful Hand drawn Lilly in 6 colours and a greyscaled psd file in 2 layers for you to colour. They are 2000x2000 300 dpi and can be used for all commercial projects > If you download them please comment :)