Friday, 31 October 2008


Here is My Part in the Give Thx freebie Blogtrain it is a taggers size mini kit for personal use and you can download it

HOO CHOO ALL ABOARD!!!! The "Give Thanks" Blog Train is all boarded up and ready to ROLL Out.These wonderful Designers have worked hard on getting allthese wonderful freebies loaded onto the train. SO make sure you stop by all the stops and tell them all THANK YOU!!!

2 New commercial use scripts

Added these to the store today Just $1.50 each for commercial use Here and Here

Thursday, 30 October 2008


Added Today a set of Commercial use PSP scripts that create 3 xmas themed cookies in your choice of colours.

Approx 1500x1500 3oo DPI

for paint shop pro 9 and above only

Available here or here

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Give Thanks Blog Train

working on my freebie watch this space :P

New Blog Layout

Wow look at my beautiful New layout made by the very Talented Butterfly with my choclate heaven kit. Didn't she do a fantastic job? No more nasty green blog for me yipeee. I highlly recommend you go over to Butterfly kisses and order yours today her prices are reasonable and her work outstanding :)

Thursday, 23 October 2008

2 new products

I have added 2 new products to the stores at sweet n sassy and Crafty scraps they are a taggers size kit Mint Choc chip and a commercial use xmas stocking and template. They can be purchased at any of the stores above

Friday, 10 October 2008


I have put a new commercial use product up in my stores Today. It is a commercial use template pack containing 5 templates of womens accessories. All files are layered for ease when colouring and are at least 1000x1000 300 dpi Which makes them superb for printing or the web. They are available at Sweet N Sassy or Crafty Scrapsfor the very reasonable price of $3

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

NEW KIT Tropical Temptation

With the miserable weather we have had in good old England lately I desperatly needed warming up so decided to make this nice bright tropical kit and dream of far off warm lands :P

It is available at Sweet n Sassy and Crafty scraps for a heart warming $2


11 digital papers (including 2 torn)
1 tropical Palm tree PNG file
11 assorted tropical flower elements
3 frames
3 butterflies
3 ribbons
3 bows
3 feathers
1 doodle
6 various other elements

Sunday, 5 October 2008


This CU freebie is Part of my new Nursery range available in store There are very few restrictions on use if you would like them you can download here Please if you download them have the courtesy to say thank you or leave a comment


I have Released five new commercial use products from my nursery range available at sweet n sassy and Crafty Scraps Prices start at just $1 so go grab yourself a bargain preview above is the Hand painted bassinet which is just $1

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Tutorial Using my Kit

This tutorial has been written by Sonya (how awesome is she?) using my choclate heaven kit. If you would like to try it you can find it here

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Shadow has written an awesome Tutorial using my Chocolate heaven kit you can find him here


I have a new product in the store at sweet N sassy It is a commercial use Halloween PNG graphic pack with very few restrictions on use.
All files are approx 1600 pixels and are 300dpi which is perfect for printing and the web.
The pack is on sale from today until the 3rd of October at 50% off in the October Madness Sale.
So what are you waiting for ???


October is upon us! That means autumn leaves, apple cider, ghosts & goblins & broomsticks! The designers at Sweet-N-Sassy are quickly getting into the spirit of things and we've decided to have an OCTOBER MADNESS SALE! Select designers have placed all of their Fall & Halloween Designs on sale for 25% - 50% OFF October 1st - 3rd!!! We have been working like crazy stocking the shelves with new designs and have some new designers (and more are catching onto the madness and adding to the sale!) so be sure to stop by and check it out! Sale includes CU products, S40 products and New Releases! Designers who have caught the October Madness include:Sassy Scraps DesignsWD DesignzButterfly HollowIncognitoUrban Mermaid DesignsHonored ScrapsClassie CreationzGF DesignzScrappy LippyDesigns by BrandiSametra DesignsWitchy Scrap DesignsDykstra's DelightsAngelina Designs